Chiropractic Care
Our Chiropractic Care is the Best !
We provide advanced spinal correction utilizing “state of the art” chiropractic techniques. Never in the history of chiropractic have we been able to provide the level of help and expertise that now exists.

Massage Therapy
A Natural Approach
Deep Tissue Sports Cross Friction Fiber Therapeutic and Medical Massage.
Relax Your Muscles
The benefits of massage therapy may include increasing blood circulation, reducing swelling, relaxing muscles, relieving muscle pain and spasms, and aid in recovery and range of motion.
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Corrective Exercises & Rehabilitation
Teaching and Coaching
We teach our patients special “blueprint” exercises to help strengthen and correct their own unique problem. These exercises can also be performed in the comfort of your own home and can improve the effectiveness of your spinal correction. In addition to skeletal misalignment, muscles and connective tissues can be out of place or strained by improper alignment and use.
Workout Blueprint
Specific exercises and stretches can help your body stay in balance and in health.
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Nambudripod's Allergy Elimination Technique - A non-invasive, energy based approach to health through the elimination of food and/or environmental allergies.
Eliminate Allergies
Allergies are viewed from a holistic perspective, and healing is based on Oriental Medical principles
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Brain Tap
Revolutionary Technology !
The latest in brain fitness for conquering the effects of stress. Eliminate bad habits and behaviors, improve sleep, defeat negative thought patterns, improve sports, concentration, and more...
Train Your Brain
BrainTap's featured audio sessions and programs help restore your brain's natural balance, so you can operate at peak performance and acquire he positive new habits and lifestyle you want - naturally. Simply choose the custom-crafted, proven program that best fits your needs or ask Dr. Finkel for guidance.
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